When do you see the final results of the Labiaplasty?

when do you see the final result of the labiaplasty

In labiaplasty, the inner labia (labia minora) are reshape and reduce in size (labiaplasty is also call labial reduction). Despite the simple nature of labiaplasty, the recovery process is one of the most critical aspects of the procedure, which every patient should consider.

The labiaplasty procedure can usually carry out in your doctor’s office. However, proper recovery still requires following strict post-surgery instructions and preparing appropriately for the procedure. A few tips will help you make the recovery process of a labiaplasty procedure as hassle-free as possible. There is no guarantee that your specific final result experience will be the same as another’s based on the amount of pain you can tolerate, the physical characteristics of your body, and the labiaplasty technique used.

Healing happens at a different pace for everyone. As your swelling subsides and your incisions heal. Then you should be able to see your labia in their new shape within two weeks after your surgery. There will be a waiting period of approximately three weeks before you can resume exercising, taking baths, and engaging in sexual activity again.

Up to six months after surgery, some women experience residual swelling.

What causes a labia to become oversized?

In medical terms, labial hypertrophy is a condition in which one or both of the vaginal lips or labia are larger than they should be.

There is nothing abnormal about having enlarged labia, and there is no reason to be concerned about it. As a result of large and asymmetrical labia being born, there are many people who do not experience any adverse effects as a result.

The shape of the labia can be safely altered through surgery, though it is not usually a necessity for people to undergo this procedure.

Hypertrophy of the labial region is not knowing to have any direct cause. The human body undergoes this fluctuation as a natural part of its normal functioning, according to doctors. Differences in the labia are as common as differences in the breasts.

Others may develop enlarged labia over time as a result of hormonal fluctuations, while some are born with enlarged labia. Puberty can cause the labia to enlarge in some people as they go through the process of becoming sexually mature.

As a result of pregnancy, some people notice that their labia grow, while others notice that their vulva changes over time due to aging. Treatment is not usually necessary in most cases. The good news is that there are treatment options for labial hypertrophy if it causes physical or psychological discomfort.

It is strongly recommended that you consult your gynecologist if you feel that labia minora hypertrophy is negatively impacting your life and significantly impairing your ability to enjoy certain activities, including sexual relations.

During a labiaplasty procedure, the labia minora are either shorten or reshape in order to achieve a more attractive shape. A general anesthetic or a local anesthetic with sedatives can use for this procedure. With the use of a scalpel or a laser, the service provider removes excess tissue from the area.

What happens before Labiaplasty?

The first step in the labiaplasty process is for you and your surgeon to discuss the reasons for your decision. In addition to discussing your expectations and goals, you will also discuss the risks associated with the surgery as well. The psychological exam may include questions about depression and anxiety as well as a psychological evaluation.

As a next step, your surgeon will discuss with you in detail all the details of your surgery. Including where to make the incisions and what kind of changes should expect to your labia in terms of their size and shape after the surgery.

The first step that you need to take when deciding whether or not labiaplasty is for you is to start planning for your procedure and your recovery from it. It is recommended that you take at least a week off from work during this time. Before the procedure, it is important that you eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep in the days leading up to it. A quick recovery can support by establishing healthy habits before surgery.

If you have young children, ask family and friends to help around the house for the first few days after the procedure. Make sure you have enough groceries, prescriptions, and other items for recovery before your surgery.

It is possible for you to send for a blood test, a urinalysis, and a chest X-ray prior to surgery. It will explain to you what to wear to your procedure, what to eat and drink if you need to adjust your medication and other information on how to prepare for your surgery.

What happens on the day of surgery?

Your surgical gown will change as soon as you arrive at the operating room. You will be ask to give a number of vital signs (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, oxygen level, breathing rate) by a healthcare provider. There is a possibility that you will have to have blood work and a urinalysis done again. You will be given an intravenous line (IV) which will be placed in the arm or hand, and you may also be given a urinary catheter which will be placed in your urethra.

After cleansing your labia and its surrounding skin, your provider may shave your pubic region. Then, they’ll start anesthesia. There are two types of anesthesia, local anesthesia and general anesthesia. That you can have, depending on what procedure you are having. The type of anesthesia is best for you will discussing with your provider during the planning stage of your surgery. Depending on whether the labia majora or minora are to be reshaped or resized,your provider will choose which surgical technique to use.

How long does labiaplasty take?

A labiaplasty is a procedure that is doing as an outpatient. There is no need to wait more than two hours for a labiaplasty to be perform.