You might have asked this question since you have been searching for an aesthetic treatment. As you might know, nose filler injections are a popular treatment among Rhinoplasty (nose job) and Septoplasty patients. The reason is very simple: It is known as the most effective method with minimal risk for changing the nose shape. However, there is no permanent nose filler. So, the most important question for patients is how long do fillers last for nose? In this article, we have answered this and other questions you may come up with. Do you want to know more about How long do fillers last for nose? stay with us!
What is Non-surgical Nose Job?
Despite some people’s strong desire to do a nose job and improve their appearance, many people are scared of the procedure and cannot imagine themselves undergoing plastic surgery. Therefore, non-surgical procedures have been grabbing attention during the past few decades. Nose filler is one of the most popular methods which paved the way for those seeking to change their nose shapes. Let’s see what nose filler or non-surgical nose job is.
Non-surgical nose job or Rhinoplasty is a medical aesthetic procedure in which fillers are injected to reshape the nose. It is called non-surgical as it is a non-invasive method involving no surgery. It is the best option for those who are not willing to undergo plastic surgery.
This procedure takes about 10-15 minutes, and the nose filler can last for different lengths of time depending on several factors, such as the filler’s type, and the area the filler is injected. In the next part we will talk more about this.
How long does the Non-Surgical Nose Job last?
Nose fillers have temporary effects, and your body will absorb the substance over time. So the question is, how long do nose fillers last?
Most nose fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. Reports have shown that the length of time for this substance to stay in the body is from 6 months to 2 years. In the other words, you can count on it for at least six months, up to 2 years. That is amazing!
How long until I see results?
One of the reasons why nose filler is popular is that the results are visible after the non-surgical nose job. Contrary to the surgical procedure, in which the desired results appear after a couple of months, in non-surgical nose jobs, patients can enjoy their noses with a new shape right after the injection is done!

What happens after Non-Surgical rhinoplasty?
As mentioned before, nose filler injection is a non-invasive procedure in which desired results are gained with minimal risks and side effects. That said, nose fillers side effects might include slight discomfort, such as swelling and bruising. But you don’t need to be concerned about it. These side effects will disappear after one or two days.
Even though nose filler injection is temporary and doesn’t last for a long time, its safety and effectiveness make it worth giving a try. Now that you know how long nose filler last for nose and what the side effects might be, you can make up your mind about it and get ready for a non-surgical nose job.